Landscape Associates of CA

Plant Tree Installation


Welcome to Landscape Associates of CA

Your Gateway to Enchanting Plant Tree Installations!

We believe trees are any landscape’s heart and soul. As a premier landscaping company, we take great pride in offering expert plant tree installation services that breathe life and beauty into your outdoor spaces.


Why choose Landscape Associates of CA for your plant tree installations?

Professional planting techniques

With attention to detail and precision, we implement proper planting techniques to promote healthy root growth and tree development, securing a strong foundation for their growth.

Diverse tree selection

Our diverse selection caters to your preferences and landscape requirements, from majestic oaks to vibrant flowering trees. We offer a range of sizes and varieties, each contributing its unique charm.

Thoughtful design

We understand the art of creating harmonious landscapes. Our tree installation process is meticulously planned to enhance your outdoor space’s natural flow and aesthetics.

Expertise and knowledge

Our team of skilled arborists and horticulturists possess extensive knowledge of various tree species. We carefully select and plant trees suitable for your climate and landscape, ensuring they thrive for years to come.


Our plant tree installation services

Native trees

Embrace the beauty of your surroundings with our selection of native trees. These trees not only complement your landscape but also contribute to the ecosystem.

Evergreen trees

Maintain year-round greenery and privacy with our evergreen tree installations. These resilient trees add life and vibrancy to your landscape throughout the seasons.

Fruit trees

Savor the joy of homegrown produce with our fruit tree installations. Experience the pleasure of picking fresh fruits right from your garden.

Shade trees

Create cool, inviting spaces with our shade tree installations. These majestic trees provide respite from the sun and are stunning additions to your landscape.

Ornamental trees

Add elegance and color to your landscape with our carefully selected ornamental trees. These beauties are perfect for creating focal points and infusing charm into your garden.


Transform your landscape with the lush allure of our expert plant tree installations. Landscape Associates of CA is ready to make your outdoor dreams a reality. Contact us today for a consultation, and let our team create an enchanting outdoor sanctuary that brings you closer to nature and elevates the beauty of your property for generations to come.

Trust Us For Garden Bed Design And Planting Services

We believe in enhancing the natural beauty of California landscapes through our expert tree planting services. We specialize in planting native, evergreen, fruit-bearing, shade, and ornamental trees. Our commitment to sustainability and thoughtful design sets us apart.

Our professional planting techniques ensure that every tree is positioned for optimal growth and visual appeal. With a diverse selection of trees, we help you choose species that not only add aesthetic value but also offer practical benefits, from providing shade to producing delicious fruits.

We provide comprehensive garden bed design and planting services, serving San Jose and beyond. From garden design to ongoing maintenance, we are dedicated to making your outdoor space flourish and thrive.

Our experts are committed to cultivating a greener, more vibrant California, one tree at a time. Reach out to us for assistance with garden design and maintenance in San Jose.


Professional hands for your beautiful landscape services

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