Landscape Associates of CA

Artificial and Real Turf


Welcome to Landscape Associates of CA

Your Trusted Destination for Artificial and Real Turf Services!

We understand the importance of having a lush and inviting outdoor space that complements your lifestyle. As a leading landscaping company, we take pride in offering top-notch artificial and real turf services that bring beauty and functionality to your surroundings.


Why choose Landscape Associates of CA for turf solutions?

Professional installation

Our skilled technicians are equipped with state-of-the-art tools and techniques to ensure precise and efficient turf installation. Whether it’s a small backyard or an expansive commercial space, we handle projects of all sizes with the utmost dedication and attention to detail.

High-quality products

We believe in delivering nothing less than the best. Our artificial turf is made from premium materials that mimic the look and feel of real grass, ensuring a beautiful and realistic appearance. For those who prefer real turf, we source only the healthiest and most vibrant grass varieties to create a lush and vibrant lawn.

Tailored solutions

We understand that every landscape is unique, and your preferences are specific. Our team works closely with you to understand your requirements, offering customized turf solutions that align perfectly with your vision and budget.

Extensive expertise

With years of experience in the landscaping industry, our team has honed its skills in providing expert turf installation and maintenance services. Whether you prefer the low-maintenance benefits of artificial turf or the natural charm of real grass, we have the knowledge to deliver exceptional results.


Our turf services

Artificial turf installation

Say goodbye to the hassles of lawn maintenance with our artificial turf installation services. Enjoy a pristine green lawn year-round without watering, mowing, or fertilizing it.

Real turf installation

Experience the joys of a natural lawn with our real turf installation services. We carefully select the best grass varieties suited to your climate and ensure a seamless installation process.

Turf maintenance

Keep your turf in top-notch condition with our comprehensive turf maintenance services. From regular mowing and edging to pest control and aeration, we keep your turf looking its best.


Revitalize your landscape with our superior turf solutions! Contact Landscape Associates of CA today for a consultation, and let us help you achieve the lush and vibrant outdoor space you've always desired.


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